University Council agrees to accession of Wageningen to 3TU Federation
The intention to allow Wageningen University to accede to the 3TU Federation was given a positive recommendation by the University Council. President of the Executive Board Jan Mengelers sees opportunities for research and education in the area of agriculture. The new name will be 4TU Federation, “because all four institutions train engineers”, says Mengelers.
Mengelers thinks that Wageningen wants to broaden its technological horizon and the Gelderland university had at an earlier stage already approached TU/e on an individual basis for a joint venture. “With this partner in the agricultural area the three Universities of Technology are acquiring a new field of research”, he said in the University Council meeting. “We do not have that in Delft, Twente and Eindhoven yet. If that research is elaborated, there will also be opportunities for education in the future.”
The actual launch of the joint venture will not be for tomorrow, because a number of formal steps still need to be taken in Delft and Twente. TU/e policy officer Ben Donders expects that that track can be completed by the middle of April.
At present the charter and regulations of the 3TU Federation are amended for the formation of the 4TU Federation. “For in Wageningen they train engineers as well”, Mengelers explains the new name, “though in the field of agriculture. The characteristic features of the four institutions are also a good match.”