TU/e requests lay summaries from PhD candidates

From now on PhD candidates at TU/e must submit a lay summary with their thesis. This has been decided by the Doctorate Board after an appeal by Dean Philip de Goey of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, where an accessible text about the research conducted became a requirement some years ago. The lay summaries should ensure that thesis results more often win public attention.

The lay summary will be included, says De Goey, in what is known as 'Form 2’, which is used to record formal approval of the thesis. “The candidate already adds a scientific summary to this form. This is often very technical, and actually only intelligible to those in the know. That is why a few years ago we made an additional text mandatory in our department; one in which the PhD candidate clarifies how their research is rooted in society; what benefits it will bring in the short or long term.”

This requirement is proving a success at Mechanical Engineering, believes De Goey. “Some PhD candidates find it quite a challenge to stand back from their own work sufficiently to set it in a social context. Early on I rejected a number because I did not think they were good enough; but eventually the process results in a text that is posted on the department's website, and that the departmental communication officer can use to decide whether the research can also earn some external publicity.”

The lay summaries produced by Mechanical Engineering did not go unnoticed at the Communication Expertise Center. “Information officer Ivo Jongsma approached me with the question whether the summaries couldn't be made mandatory for the entire university," explains De Goey. "I thought that was a good idea; I proposed it to other deans and the Executive Board. Fortunately, their reactions were largely very positive, although it was remarked that this would of, course, involve more work. But I think every PhD candidate should be able to write a text like this, possibly in consultation with his or her supervisors.”

This need not involve a great deal of work, believes the Dean of Mechanical Engineering. “As far as I'm concerned half a page of A4 is enough. If you are lucky, the introduction to the scientific summary should provide most of the meat. Moreover, PhD candidates are already required to prepare a talk for laypeople, which they deliver in advance of their defense.” De Goey thinks that the lay summaries will ensure that doctoral research is picked up more often by society. “I expect the number of times that a thesis gains some publicity to at least double.”

The new rule applies to PhD candidates who will submit their 'Form 2' starting January 2017.



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