Most alumni have jobs and are proud of TU/e

TU/e alumni rate their alma mater with an average grade of 7.9. Nearly all of them have jobs and most of them do the work for which they were educated and trained. Also, most of them think that their TU/e education has given them a very sound basis for their start on the labor market. This is shown by the Alumni monitor 2015, a survey in which 1198 alumni have taken part.

A mere one percent of the alumni indicates that they are not working or jobless. More than one-third of the alumni work in the Brainport region, half are employed somewhere else in the Netherlands and thirteen percent are active abroad. Most alumni have found jobs through the grapevine.

On average most aspects of the TU/e courses are rated as good. With two exceptions: the proportion between theory and practice and the attention devoted to career orientation. The proportion between theory and practice is tilting somewhat towards (too) much theory, while the attention going to career orientation was a bit meagre. A vast majority, ninety percent, say that they are proud of having studied at TU/e and in this respect there is no difference between young and old.

The Alumni monitor has mainly been organized to gain insight into the extent to which TU/e courses prepare students for the labor market and their careers.

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