English-speaking student seeks place in University Council
There is a pretty good chance that 2016 will see the first appearance of an English-speaking student in the University Council of TU/e. Groep-één has put a Pakistani student at an electable position. On December 1 and 2, students can vote for the Eindhoven Student Council (ESR) or Groep-één. Employees can cast their votes for the person they prefer for the Staff party. TU/e employees can also cast their votes for the Departmental Councils. No voting is necessary anymore for the Services Council.
In order to give a boost to one of its spearheads – which is to bring about a more international university - Groep-één has put the Pakistani student of Electrical Engineering Danyal Haider at the fifth position on the party list. Groep-één currently has five seats in the Council.
Haider says that he wants to stand up for internationalization in particular. “It’s not just about having a say in university matters. I want to stand for the ‘cause’ of Internationalization. Internationals have equal sense of ownership for uni if not more.”
Trees Klaver, chairwoman of the University Council, says that the language issue ‘necessitates a pragmatic approach' if Haider should make it to the Council. “We have to adjust to each other, which will take a bit of an effort on both sides.” It is not feasible to have all the documentation in English, as certain documents need to be drafted in Dutch by law.
Haider does not expect everything to be in English either: “It’s not possible to make an immediate change. But you will see a transition and more and more documents and discussions in English. At some point, university politics are connected with local law and politics. So, I shall be expected to take a Dutch language course myself as well.”
Both Groep-één and the ESR state in their election programs that they strive for a more lively campus. ESR also wants to limit the number of lectures in the evening and wants to ensure that the TU/e PlanApp is improved. Groep-één is making an effort among other things for enough room for activities apart from the study and tries to attain adequate accommodation for the cultural associations.
The election results will be announced on Thursday afternoon December 3.