Paid parking draws capacity crowd to Blauwe Zaal

Are the bus services going to be intensified? Do you have to pay to park if you only come by car now and then? And must Executive Board members pay as well? Employees turn out to have quite a number of questions about the introduction of the Mobility Plan and paid parking.

On Tuesday afternoon a meeting was held in an almost full Blauwe Zaal, where Executive Board member Jo van Ham, Martin Boers (Head of Internal Affairs (DIZ)) and Mirjam Jahnke (Head of Safety & Security) explained things and answered questions.

A lot of information is given already during the presentation. Thus, Jo van Ham sketches the reasons for the whole plan – getting people to leave their car and promote alternative sustainable transport. Next, Martin Boers sheds more light on the incentive measures: before long there will be a bus running across the campus and TU/e is talking to NS about an NS business card. In April a pilot project will be conducted in which employees can use that type of card free for a month.

Upon the evaluation of the bus pilot, possibilities will be studied of expanding bus connections, of a season ticket for bus travelers, and it will be examined together with Hermes whether an arrangement can be found for bus travelers within the region. Finally, Mirjam Jahnke devotes some time to an explanation of the way in which money will be withdrawn for paid parking. On Thursday February 26 an information market will be held in the forecourt of the Auditorium from 11.00 to 15.00 hours. More information can be found on the website.

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