College Tour with Peter R. de Vries for 50th anniversary security
A ‘College Tour’ featuring Peter R. de Vries, and a police dog demonstration: those are the crowd pullers of 50 Years of TU/e Security on Wednesday, May 13. The afternoon program is preceded by the opening of the Security Center in the Laplace Building. On Friday afternoon, June 5, there will be a festive reception in the Paviljoen.
Safety & Security team leader Hay Becks is especially excited about crime reporter and media personality Peter R. de Vries making an appearance: “I’m obsessed with that man. What he does clearly fits our department, but the fact that people either love him or hate him is even better. And he’s extremely opinionated.” In order to be able to invite De Vries, Safety & Security has worked with Studium Generale (SG). De Vries will be interviewed by Lucas Asselbergs of SG. Following the interview, De Vries will answer questions from the audience.
Later that afternoon the Brabant demo team of the Royal Dutch Police Dog Association will do a demonstration on the lawn near the pond. Whether or not they’ll dress suit up an audience member and have a dog a go at them, Becks doesn’t know yet. “It’s pretty safe, apparently, but we obviously don’t like to take risks. But it’s an action-packed afternoon anyway. We’re thinking of hiding drugs among the audience and have a dog chase a suspect.”