NWO: direct access to articles compulsory
Soon, research funded by NWO must be freely accessible for everyone immediately after publication, following the principle of open access. That means researchers with, say, a Veni, Vidi, or Vici Grant will no longer be free to publish their article in a journal of their preference.
Researchers who still want to publish their article in a renowned journal that doesn’t adhere to open access are free to do so in theory, says NWO. They do have to publish their final author version of the article (not edited by the publisher, yet reviewed) in a public database immediately.
The problem, however, is that approximately half of the journals doesn’t allow that, says Merle Rodenburg, Specialist Scientific Information of the Information Expertise Center (IEC) at TU/e. “Journals often have an embargo period. Nature, for example, doesn’t allow publication in a public database until six months after the article appears in one of their issues.”
The IEC is watching the developments closely. Researchers who want to know more about the rules, possibilities, and constraints concerning open access can go to www.tue.nl/openaccess, or ask Rodenburg and her colleagues through mail. On Tuesday, March 10, there’s a symposium on the subject called 'Open Science and Open Access'. The event is organized by the Information Expertise Center as well.