Dare to share in haunting Gaslab
“Doesn’t this sound insincere? Vague? Do you get what I’m trying to say?” While some participants seem to have no trouble at all sharing their feelings, others have a harder time. A male student tries to explain when sharing feels good to him. Like when he has the time to bring his landlord, who recently became a widower, a cup of tea. Wednesday night at Gaslab: more than forty people talk about the theme ‘dare to share’ for two-and-a-half hours in light of Dialogue Week. It was the first time the dialogue tables were set up at TU/e.
At times, conversations run deep at Gaslab. “It’s absolutely not a discussion”, says Margit van Tuijl of Tint Foundation. With Studium Generale and Eindhoven in Dialogue, Tint has organized the event. “We want to exchange experiences in order to bring people closer together.”
What’s special about tonight is that there are tables for English-speaking participants. These are the only English tables in the region, where more than forty talks will be organized for Dialogue Week. The international table talks about Uganda and Nepal, Benin and Indonesia. About how easy it is to share things on the train, because you know you’ll probably never see your fellow traveler again. But they also discuss things that happen at home, like how to raise an issue with your supervisor, neighbor, or best friend.
Participants who had attended a dialogue before warned others that it might be intense, and there might even be tears. But that doesn’t happen tonight. Regular laughter can be heard from some tables, even. According to Sjaak Evers of Eindhoven in Dialogue, strong emotions don’t warrant a good talk. “It’s a dialogue, not therapy.”