Playful introduction to technology
Peering inside a University Racing car or solar car Stella. Making your own toothpaste. Last Sunday from 12-5 PM, the Auditorium, Hoofdgebouw, Potentiaal, and MetaForum were the place to be for dozens of activities TU/e had organized to show what the institute is capable of.
Visitors of the TU/eXperience, an open day for the general public, were treated to numerous activities and displays. They could get up close and personal with pykrete – the ice-and-sawdust mixture that was used by Built Environment students to build the largest-ever ice dome last winter. In the Magic Lab, children and adults were invited to do tests, or build their own robot. There were lectures for children, too.
The TU/eXperience marked the start of the Dutch Technology Week (May 18-24) with events in greater Eindhoven.