People who have a sports card give the SSC an 8.0 and among those who don’t have a membership the center scores a 7.4: those are the marks users put down on the SSC’s report card. According to spokesperson Raymond Starke, users are “satisfied or very satisfied with all aspects of the sports center”. The wide choice, the quality of classes, and rates score especially high, and so does the atmospehere.
But the respondents (1,945 in total) see room for improvement, too. Their wishlist includes larger and cleaner changing rooms and sanitary facilities, a more appealing and clearer website, and more lockers. The (soccer) field outside could also be better. “If it rains, the field turns into one big puddle. As a result, practice is often cancelled, and that’s not good.” The Student Sports Center will be replacing the grass with artificial turf eventually.
The Sports Center has some 11,000 members at the moment (6,500 from TU/e and 3,000 from Fontys). The last two years saw an increase of approximately 1,000 members, so the center hopes to be able to expand soon. Renovation plans, which are being discussed with DH and Houben & Van Mierlo Architects, are in the design phase, says Starke.