Buddha back in art pond Zwarte Doos
For several years, dozens of shiny black eggs with solar panels on top bobbed around the pond aimlessly. But come August they’ll be back in solar business, because then the Buddha that was originally the center of Alex Vermeulen’s artwork SOH19 States of Nature will return. Buddha will be equipped with a new hydraulic system that can push the black statue out of the water when the sun shines, which was the idea originally.
Since the presentation in 2006, States of Nature -initiated by students of Applied Physics for a project entitled ‘Natuurkunst’ - has had a bumpy ride. Not only were the eggs a popular target for pranksters armed with pink paint and green Easter ribbons, but things were tough technology-wise, too. Most of the time, the Buddha in the middle of the pond was either halfway or entirely under water, despite the collected solar energy. And then, in July 2010, the transparent Plexiglas capsule in which the black figure ‘floated’ just burst.
However, the Buddha is now getting ready for its return. The black sculpture has been fully revived and, more importantly, fitted with a completely new system to move the work of art. There’s a cylinder in the Buddha that consists of three tubes that slide over each other, through which oil is pumped. The energy collected by the solar cells controls the amount of oil that’s pumped through the hydraulic cylinders. The system includes a safety that ensures the figure won’t come up in adverse weather conditions like strong winds or frost. And this time around the Buddha won’t be trapped in a Plexiglas bell - it can enjoy the open air.