2.5 million for fast electron microscopy
FOM has accepted the Industrial Partnership Program 'The Foundations for Faster Electron Microscopy’. Eindhoven researchers dr.ir. Seth Brussaard, prof.dr.ir. Jom Luiten and dr.ir. Peter Mutsaers of the Coherence & Quantum Technology group (Applied Physics) have set up the program with the help of FEI – the world’s leading electron microscopy company – and the group of Professor prof.dr. Pieter Kruit of TU Delft.
The program budget is 2.5 million euro, half of which is funded by FEI, and the other half by FOM. Approximately two-thirds of the money will be used in Eindhoven, the rest will go to Delft. TU Delft is in charge of the project.
The Eindhoven contribution to the Industrial Partnership program (IPP) will involve the development of new techniques to realize electron microscopy with femtosecond exposure times. The ultimate goal is to be able to follow the natural movement of separate atoms in solids and molecules.