Opening mini supermarket in Flux suddenly unsure
Soon, TU/e will have to decide on the opening of a mini supermarket on campus. In a few months, the facility was to open in Flux, the new home to Applied Physics (TN) and Electrical Engineering (EE). TN has now indicated their department desperately needs the area for teaching.
A few weeks ago, DH received the request for the extra teaching facility from TN. “It was completely out of the blue”, says DH employee Arno Senders. He’s been talking to several parties from the supermarket sector about opening a TU/e branch. With one of them – he doesn’t want to drop any names yet – he was discussing plans in more detail already.
According to Senders, Flux has had an area right of the main entrance earmarked for a mini supermarket ever since the building was designed. “And now that’s suddenly up for discussion.” Senders says the respective area is 130 square meters, which are now claimed by TN.
Managing Director Alfons Bruekers confirms his department has requested “to mark time” regarding the mini market. Even though plans were made three years ago already, “things have changed since then. One of the main differences is that we now have many more students at TU/e, including at TN and EE.”
Besides, Bruekers adds: “Flux is already too small for the number of students of TN and EE combined. We’ve been improvising and trying to make things more compact. And all in all we’re doing a good job, but we have barely enough space as it is. Should we have to deal with even more students, we’ll be pinched for space”.
Bruekers says he wants to prevent a supermarket from taking up space “for a few years”, while the department has to appeal to other parties on campus for teaching facilities. “We’d be spending money unnecessarily to keep the primary process going.”
The Managing Director stresses he’s all for a mini supermarket on campus. “It adds to our desired image, our international vibe, a livelier campus, and bringing our people together. And Flux is an ideal location. Still, I have to facilitate education, too”.