Life after TU/e | Manolis Chrysallos
What happens to international students after they graduate from TU/e? Do they go job hunting in the Netherlands, pack their bags and explore the world, or return to their home countries? International TU/e graduaties talk about their lives after TU/e. In this Cursor: Manolis Chrysallos from Rhodes, Greece.
Name: Manolis Chrysallos
Place of Birth: Rhodes, Greece
Date of Birth: 13 April, 1986
Studied at TU/e: I did the post-master Information and Communication Technology program from January 2011 through January 2013
Current position: Scientist innovator at TNO, Delft
What are you doing now?
I am working as scientist innovator at TNO in Delft. In my department our primary goal is to provide the government and telecom companies with solutions, knowledge, and expertise.
Was it difficult to find a job?
I did an intensive online search for any position that might suit me, sent out a huge number of applications to numerous countries and had dozens of job interviews, all of which led to only a few good results. It was an arduous process that took me more time and effort than I had hoped, but it all comes down to timing and demand for your expertise, of course.
Why did you stay in The Netherlands?
I consciously decided to stay in The Netherlands for three main reasons: 1) You can still find jobs in the high-tech sector here where working conditions are good. 2) TU/e is a recognized university, but especially so in its home country. 3) I was already familiar with the country, and like certain aspects of the Dutch life.
How do you reflect on your time at TU/e?
I was looking for a recognized technical university in a country that's friendly to English speakers. TU/e is one of only three universities of technology in the Netherlands, and has good connections with the industry, something that I liked. Besides, the program gave me the opportunity to work as an employee, with all its perks. I will fondly remember my time at TU/e, the memories, and the people I created them with. There have been difficult moments of course, but looking back, it was a really nice period of my life.
What are your plans for the (near) future?
If possible, I'd like to settle here some time in the near future. I'm enjoying my current position and would like to gain more experience to add value to my resume, before I consider looking for something else. However, times are tough and nobody knows what's next.
What advice would you give current students?
I think the best piece of advice is to decide what's most important for you right now. Being realistic and open to other fields of study, job types, and places to live, gives you more opportunities and experiences than being selective. Still, remember it always comes with a cost to your personal wishful thinking.