Chloé Rutzerveld (20), student of Industrial Design, head of Promotion Team
What’s your favorite robot competition? If I had to choose a single competition, I’d opt for kid-size. The RoboCup promotional videos and bloopers made me fall in love with the cute little humanoid robots that act silly and topple over constantly.
What’s your blooper of the week? Part of the promotional team was to give a demonstration in Waalwijk this week, but all our gear was gone. Apparently Tech United had also planned a demonstration somewhere else. Our agendas weren’t synched properly. Thankfully we came up with a solution in time.
Where did you see you first robot soccer game? Prior to working for the Promotion Team, I had never seen a robot soccer game. Worse still, I never even heard of the RoboCup or TechUnited! I’ve never seen an entire soccer game, so that’s one thing I’m definitely looking forward to this world championship.
Previous interviews can be found here.