TU/e closes academic year Brazilian style
TU/e will close the academic year with a Brazilian theme on Friday, July 5. The Academic Year Prizes will be awarded in the Auditorium that day, and afterwards several TU/e professors will play their favorite tunes for ‘Professors on Stage’ in MetaForum and the Bunker.
Initially it was ‘just an idea’ to take two existing events and combine them to form the closing of the academic year. But TU/e’s Graduate School can look back on its first year, says University Secretary Nicole Ummelen, and on top of that: “We’re a community. It feels good to start as well as end the year together.”
The closing of the academic year is meant for all university students and faculty. Ummelen stresses that although the presentation of the Academic Year Prizes is an official ceremony, the year’s end isn’t as solemn as the opening event. “There won’t be any procession, for example.”
After the awards ceremony in the Blauwe Zaal, a Brazilian musical group will accompany the audience to MetaForum. In Forum (the market hall), Rector Hans van Duijn will open the second edition of ‘Professors on Stage’ at 6.15PM, for which professors are invited to work the turntables. Some are new to the event, others already participated last year. Anyway, nobody will be thrown in at the deep end, because prior to the event all participants will be treated to a crash DJ course from Discom’86, a charter of the Eindhoven Student Corps. After a capoeira demonstration and music by DJ Jaxx, the party will continue in the Bunker.
By adding a Brazilian touch the organization hopes to involve more international students in the event as well. In MetaForum there will be ‘a kind of integration game’ says co-organizer Christel de Bakker. Objective of the game is to connect national and international students in a playful manner. MetaForum and the Bunker will be decorated accordingly, there’s a Brazilian cocktail bar and there’s Brazilian finger food (bookings for the latter can be made through Facebook).
The awards ceremony for the Academic Year Prizes in the Blauwe Zaal starts at 6PM on Friday, July 5. Leading up to the awards the works of all nominees are exhibited on the second floor of the Hoofdgebouw.
Free admission.