Students overestimate own use video lectures
Supporters and opponents of video lectures have regular discussions on their use, often without knowing exactly what students actually do with the video footage. So saya Pierre Gorissen of the Eindhoven School of Education, who researched how students use the videos. Today, June 12, he´ll receive his PhD from TU/e.
Students point out they appreciate the videos, and would prefer all lectures to be recorded. “Students are rather practical. They consider the videos as an extra next to their lectures, Gorissen says. “They don’t consider it a replacement. There aren’t many students who stay home knowing their lecture will be recorded.” Students don’t seem to be able to estimate their own use of the videos, however. In questionnaires and interviews, Gorissen asked them how long and how often they watched the videos, and compared that to their actual use. “It turned out they don’t watch as much of a lecture as they say they do at all”, says Gorissen.