Differences in language and study background hamper interaction
The differences in language and study background are the foremost reasons hampering communication between international students on the one hand and Dutch students on the other at TU/e. It’s one of the conclusions international students have come to after having conducted research among both groups.
Over the past three months, nine international students divided among two groups have been studying how communication and integration between Dutch and international students at TU/e might be improved. The study was carried out in light of Communication Skills, a Computer Science elective. STU will take the results into account for the implementation of improvements.
Their research led to several recommendations. For one, the university should organize more large-scale events such as the Intro where Dutch and international students are mixed. Both groups might consider doing assignments together more often as well. The researchers also feel foreign students at TU/e should all take mandatory Dutch courses. Finally, events organized by foreign students should get more exposure among Dutch students, because they don’t attend those.
Asked about his own opinion, student Emre Gözek says: “International students don’t seem happy with the level of cross-cultural interaction and communication. They often start their studies in the Netherlands in the Master phase, while all Dutch students have already made friends during their Bachelor period. I think more joint activities and a mandatory Dutch course could help.”