Third of HTSM projects for TU/e
Thirty percent of the latest funding round within the High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) program has been awarded to TU/e. Out of 26 accepted proposals, eight were submitted by TU/e. TU Delft is the only university doing better with eleven funded projects. The third university of technology, Twente, only received a single grant.
Three of the projects were submitted by researchers of the Department of Electrical Engineering. It concerns two projects on actuation systems by Paul van den Hof and prof.dr. Elena Lomonova, and a video system by Peter de With, which monitors babies to see to what extent they suffer from certain conditions like reflux (excessive vomiting due to a malfunctioning stomach valve).
The Department of Mechanical Engineering also received three grants. Joris Remmers wants to understand what happens when textile tears, prof.dr. Hans Kuerten will be modeling the drying of drops on a porous base, and Bart Somers will join forces with Shell to make the combustion of diesel more efficient. For the latter project, measurements will be done in a transparent engine in which the composition of the combustible mixture can be tracked at all times with the help of laser light.
The other Eindhoven HTSM grants go to Jos Brouwers (Built Environment) for the development of ecological concrete from waste, and Olaf Adan for research into batteries based on electrically active bacteria.
The 2013 HTSM call has a budget of 8 million euro, made available by Technology Association STW. Participating companies have added another 3.1 million in cash, and 2.3 million euro in kind.