Life after TU/e | Anthony Ng ‘Oma

What happens to international students after they graduate from TU/e? Do they go job hunting in the Netherlands, pack their bags and explore the world, or return to their home countries? International TU/e graduaties talk about their lives after TU/e. In this Cursor: Anthony Ng ‘Oma from Kasama, Zambia.

Name: Anthony Ng ‘Oma
Place of Birth: Kasama, Zambia
Date of Birth: 28 August, 1969
Studied at TU/e: December 1999 - August 2007 (PhD in Optical Fiber Communications and PD.Eng in ICT)
Current position: Manager of Research, and Research Associate. Leading and managing teams of scientists and engineers working on short-reach communication networks and applications at the main research center for Corning Incorporated, located in Corning, New York.

What do you do and how did you reach your current position?
I found my job through the Internet - someone found my PhD thesis on the TU/e library website and told me about a job opening that fit my skills. I went through extensive interviews and was offered the job. I joined Corning Incorporated as a Senior Research Scientist in August 2007. I have been promoted twice - I am now a Manager of Research (leading teams of PhDs, Engineers, and Technicians), and also a Research Associate - recognized for outstanding technical contributions. I have also recently been named the BEYA-MiRs Scientist of the Year 2013 - a top national recognition in the US - in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. My research in 60 GHz fiber-wireless systems has resulted in multiple world-record wireless data transmission speeds exceeding 70 Gigabits per second (Gb/s), which is >100 times faster than today’s state-of-the-art Wi-Fi technology. By the way, I have since hired two other PhD graduates from TU/e who are working in my group. I did not go back home to Zambia because the job in USA was more interesting for my technical career. I think it’s difficult to find a good job for in the Netherlands as a foreigner – apart from a position at University – especially with a PhD.

Why did you choose to study at TU/e?
I liked the TWAIO/PD.Eng degree ICT program, and the good reputation of TU/e. I was interested in the PD.Eng. and PhD programs because they challenged me, and gave me many unique opportunities and resources to do top research. TU/e is a great and internationally renowned university. I particularly appreciated the interaction and collaboration between industry (e.g. Philips) and the university - it raised the value of research tremendously! I also value the excellent support I received from my professors Djan Khoe and Ton Koonen.

What advice would you give current students?
The key is to follow you heart - be honest with yourself about what you really like and what motivates you. Then, determine what the best place is for you. It doesn’t matter where it is (Netherlands, your home country, or somewhere else entirely) as long it’s somewhere you are free to do something you’re passionate about. If that’s the case, you will get the job, because the hiring manager will see your passion shining through. And you’ll be successful, too. I strongly advise you to take the opportunity to study at TU/e very seriously – you’ll learn a lot if you do – and prepare yourself for your future job. And some final advice: start investing in your personal network today! Don't wait until you’re about to graduate. Expanding your network will help you to learn about and better understand the nature of job opportunities out there (allowing you to make the right choice for yourself) and, more importantly, it will provide you with actual job opportunities!

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