Electromagnetics group successful in HTMS call
The Electromagnetics group (EM) of the Department of Electrical Engineering at TU/e has done well in the new grant program High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM). The group, under supervision of professor Anton Tijhuis and Bart Smolders, received grants for no less than three projects, representing a value exceeding two million euros. In total, 9 of 32 grants have been awarded to TU/e.
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Van Damme grant for recycling in construction
Built Environment alumna Nicole Segers was awarded the 2012 Marina van Damme Grant yesterday, Tuesday 27 November. Segers will be using the nine-thousand euro grant to develop an app and website where designers can check the availability of recyclable goods, and trace and reserve construction material.
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Mega grant for functional molecular systems
The TU/e division of Molecular Science &Technology, and associated researchers of the universities of Groningen and Nijmegen have been awarded a Gravity Grant (‘Zwaartekrachtsubsidie’) of 26.9 million euro for setting up a research center for functional molecular systems.
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