Hans Niemantsverdriet at helm of Graduate School
Starting April 2013, prof.dr. Hans Niemantsverdriet will be at the helm of the Graduate School. Rector prof.dr.ir. Hans van Duijn announced the news at the official launch of the virtual institute today. Prof.dr. Arjeh Cohen, who will be shaping the Graduate School until April, gave an informative talk and answered several questions from students and faculty in the Senaatszaal.
“Will it be easier to take courses from different departments”, a master student asks. In their speeches, both Van Duijn and Cohen stress that it’s all about better cooperation and making sure courses at different departments tie in with each other. And Cohen gives the same answer when asked the critical question ‘what is it that’s so innovative, really’.
Apart from acting more as a unity (Van Duijn: “Students should feel they’re TU/e students rather than students of department so and so”), international presentation is a clear theme. A student who’s halfway in his master program wants to know if there will be many changes for him, but there won’t. The steps for getting the Graduate School going will be implemented gradually.
In the months to come Cohen wants to work out the plans with the directors of the various domains of the Graduate School. In April, he’ll be passing on his responsibilities to the former dean of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry Niemantsverdriet, who’s currently abroad and couldn’t attend the meeting. Soon, TU/e people will be able to check on the process via a web portal, and a task force consisting of both students and staff members will be set up to participate in further shaping the plans.
For more information, check the background article on page 4 in this week’s Cursor.