Seats student parties University Council unchanged
The distribution of seats in the University Council remains unchanged. Group-één hangs on to their six seats, the Eindhovense Studentenraad (ESR) was allocated three seats once again. The results of the elections held December 4 and 5 were presented in the Dorgelozaal last week. Student turnout was slightly higher than last year.
Last year, 43 percent of students cast their vote; this year, that percentage was 47. In total, 3316 students cast a valid vote. Groep-één received 2244 votes, and ESR 1072.
Chinese student Feng Fang received a striking number of 173 votes, although he was in 24th position for Groep-één. It’s the best score after the list’s top three. In comparison, his party leader Lars Beke received 198 votes. According to Beke, the preference for Feng illustrates ‘internationalization is becoming ever more important at TU/e’. Still, Feng will not get a seat in the University Council. “Not yet, but we’ll be keeping our eyes on him, definitely ”, Beke assures us.