Sports spotlight | Attila’s favorite number is 600
TU/e boasts a total of 38 student sports associations. And every one of them offers its own unique experience: from slamming aces to skimming across the water. At student sports center SSC, you get a wide range of options to choose from: gaming, jumping, running, cycling, rowing, flying, shooting, hanging, playing chess, surfing, punching and pushing. Cursor wants to put every one of these associations in the spotlight. The first question is “What is your favorite number?”
Warming up
“My favorite number is 34,” says Attilian Joup van Grinsven. This is because the “Green Hun” served on the 34th board. “But for the association, I think it’s 1990, the founding year. No wait, scratch that, our favorite number is 600! That’s the maximum number of participants in the annual international tournament we organize. It always takes place in April, right in the middle of the exam period. And every year, more people want to participate and we create a reserve list. It’s the largest student korfball tournament in the world.”
Attila is a relatively small association, but “we try to act like a large one,” says Van Grinsven. “We convey professionalism in all our communications, for example on LinkedIn, with the SSC, with the TU/e Board, and we even have our own Wikipedia page. We also take sponsors and our ALV (General Meeting of Members) very seriously.” There’s a good reason for this serious attitude: Attila is fighting to get its own field.
- Attila has 75 members, 50% male, 50% female.
- There are 3 teams, two of which play on weekends, the other during the week.
- 1990 is the year the association was founded.
- The size of the field is 44 x 24 meters.
- The korfball pole is 3.5 meters high.
- They host 25 drinks parties a year, at the Feestfabriek, SSC or Hubble.
- They play at least 12 tournaments a year.
- Every year, the Attilians drive 1200 km to Slovakia for a tournament.
- The association has 300 registered Old Huns.
“Before the SSC renovations, we used to play on the hockey field. There, the korfball poles could be anchored in a ground socket fifty centimeters deep. That’s not possible on the new water-based hockey field so we use an iron base with a large round plate. It’s suitable for training but not for matches. We currently play those at local korfball clubs in Eindhoven. We would like to have our own field at the SSC and there’s room for it, but the funding still needs to be approved.”
Although Attila can be serious, it’s also a very fun and sociable association. That’s evident from the many drinks parties and tournaments every year. And their association song is short but definitely packs a punch.