WAVE supports neurodivergent brains
A multi-year NWO grant for the development of optimal student support
“We Appreciate, Value & Empower,” is what WAVE stands for. This Wednesday marks the kickoff of this innovation program dedicated to better self-development for neurodivergent young people. Because all brains are invaluable, say WAVE initiators Marlou Heskes and Manon Krabbenborg. TU/e student Jesse van Meer is one of the participants.
Marlou Heskes-van ‘t Hoofd and Manon Krabbenborg, both of whom work at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, were proud and happy when they received a three-year Comenius Leadership Grant for WAVE. ASML contributed an additional subsidy, allowing the program to run for a total of four and a half years. After six months of preparation, the program officially launches this Wednesday.
WAVE was born out of Career Jumpstart, a collaboration between Fontys and TU/e that supports graduating students with a neurodivergence – such as ASD (autism), ADHD, or dyslexia – in finding a suitable (graduate) internship or job. “Thanks to ASML’s contribution, we can now also focus on students in senior secondary vocational education (MBO) and secondary school students,” says Krabbenborg.
Brain manual
“At Career Jumpstart, we found out that starting this kind of program at the end of a student’s studies is really too late.” That’s because they have to function in a neurotypical world, Heskes explains. “They’re so focused on what goes wrong that they’re not aware of their talents and strengths.” She calls this self-stigma.
That is why WAVE focuses not only on career competencies, but on self-development as well. And the starting point is deliberately set earlier in the educational journey. “After all, it takes some time to become familiar with your own brain manual,” as Heskes puts it.
WAVE aims to expand knowledge on how to optimally support neurodivergent students in their self-development and career skills. To that end, four teams of design thinkers made up of students, teachers and professionals will develop learning activities.
What exactly will these learning activities look like? Krabbenborg and Heskes are not sure yet. “It could be anything from a podcast to a festival.” And that not-knowing is exactly the right starting point, Heskes emphasizes. “This is what we call a wicked problem. If it were a straightforward issue, the solutions would already exist.”
Employees at ASML who are themselves neurodivergent also participate in WAVE. The company offers work experience positions and internships specifically for neurodivergent entry-level employees. And that’s no unnecessary luxury, according to the two WAVE initiators. They effortlessly bring up the relevant statistics: for example, unemployment rates are highest among professionals with ASD (autism).
Such a shame, they think. According to them, the diversity of brainpower that neurodivergent brains provide is indispensable. Not just in the workplace, where every person is needed right now, “but also for solving complex world problems. We can’t do that without the sharp and out-of-the-box input of neurodivergent thinkers.”
In short, WAVE’s focus is on the positive value of neurodiversity. And that’s reflected in the name: “We Appreciate, Value & Empower”.
For those who would like to contribute to WAVE, more information can be found on the website. “Anyone with an affinity for neurodivergence is welcome. We’re also looking for TU/e lecturers who are interested in improving their guidance skills for this particular group of students.” In addition to design thinkers for the teams, so-called “fresh thinkers” are also welcome. They meet four times a year to contribute ideas.
Main photo: some of the WAVE participants
Student Jesse van Meer: “More cohesion, support and understanding”
TU/e student Jesse van Meer is one of WAVE’s design thinkers. The Psychology & Technology student is an expert by experience: he is gifted, highly sensitive and has ASD. As one of the founders of the Donatues Foundation, he actively supports neurodivergent fellow students.
“I hope WAVE will make students feel seen and heard, for example at the companies in the Brainport region where they might work after graduation. And maybe even during their studies, by giving them more freedom to shape their own learning paths, for instance.”
“I think it’s wonderful that lecturers are also participating in WAVE. The more groups are involved, the more cohesion, support and understanding there will be for each other. It would be helpful, for example, if lecturers learn to identify whether neurodivergent students are present, even in a room of a hundred people. If they start recognizing specific ways of asking questions and know how to respond.”
“A more drastic switch would be to start teaching top-down, by directly stating the goal of a course. Neurodivergent and gifted students sometimes lack an overall view when they’re given information step by step, without knowing where it’s headed.”
“Our design thinking team meets biweekly to brainstorm and outline actions, among other things. I personally feel heard and seen through my participation in WAVE. And more importantly, it boosts my energy and passion to engage with the target group, share knowledge, and learn from each other. I’m proud to be a part of this.”
Do you have ideas or would you like to brainstorm with Jesse van Meer? Feel free to send him an email.