Sports spotlight | The All Terrain’s favorite number is 080624
Jungle gym fun at the survival association
TU/e boasts a total of 38 student sports associations. And every one of them offers its own unique experience: from slamming aces to skimming across the water. At student sports center SSC, you get a wide range of options to choose from: gaming, jumping, running, cycling, rowing, flying, shooting, hanging, playing chess, surfing, punching and pushing. Cursor wants to put every one of these associations in the spotlight. The first question is “What is your favorite number?”
Warming up
At All Terrain, you get to play on an adult jungle gym. The fixed structure used for training sessions is located between the SSC and the Dommel. The river itself, and its bridges, are also part of All Terrain’s sports grounds, as are the outdoor stairs by the Auditorium and basically anything that ropes can be tied to. They train on Wednesdays between 6:55 and 8:30 p.m.; the competitions (which are called runs) take place on weekends.
All Terrain’s favorite number is 080624 because June 8 is the date on which the oldest student survival running association is hosting its AT Survival Challenge this year. This is a competition for all students from the Netherlands and beyond. The participants may choose between a distance of 5 or 7 kilometers (the course is on the TU/e campus) with respectively 25 or 35 obstacles or hurdles. All Terrain hopes to attract over four hundred participants. This is where you can sign up.
What the hospitable board would like to let everyone know is that there is no need to be afraid to start outdoor sports. It may seem scary and impossible to do without lots of strength and agility, but you’ll soon get used to it, assures board member Karel Schuller: “You don’t need the skills in order to participate.” What you do need is to put on long pants! Otherwise you might end up with scratches on your legs.
- This is the 33rd board. With the help of an ad in Cursor in May 1991, All Terrain was founded in June of that year.
- There are 77 members, of which 29% are women.
- All Terrain could use 100 volunteers on 080624.
- A membership costs 30 euros per year.
- On average, there are at least 3 obstacles per kilometer run. “A survival run is sort of like running, but less boring,” says Karel.
- There are 7 student survival running sports associations in the Netherlands.
- The farthest distance traveled for a run is 250 km (Groningen).
- You get 1 free shirt when participating in a run, a nice souvenir. Karel has collected 7 of them.
At All Terrain, you can learn techniques like monkeyclimb (under a rope), swing over (over a rope), cat crawl (on your stomach over a rope) or budgee (over a beam). Karel’s favorite is the Tarzan swing over the Dommel, see video.
All Terrain hopes to deploy 100 volunteers at the survival challenge on June 8. “Per obstacle, we need two guides and we also need people at the start, finish, water and fruit stations and the coat check.” They are not necessarily hoping for good weather. If the weather is bad, they’ll simply turn it into a mud run.
All Terrain hopes to deploy 100 volunteers at the survival challenge on June 8. “Per obstacle, we need two guides and we also need people at the start, finish, water and fruit stations and the coat check.” They are not necessarily hoping for good weather. If the weather is bad, they’ll simply turn it into a mud run.