Cursor explains | How to survive the Intro
The best tips for a perfect kick-off at TU/e
The Intro week is a fantastic opportunity to get to know the university, the campus, the city and your fellow students, but it can also feel a bit daunting and overwhelming at times. That’s why Cursor would like to share a few tips to help you breeze through the Intro and make the most of it!
Line your stomach
As a technical student, you know how important it is to maintain a healthy energy balance. The busy schedule requires quite a bit of energy, so make sure you eat regularly, sufficiently and healthily. And always have some snacks on hand, like granola bars, bananas or nuts. Lining your stomach before drinking alcohol will help you avoid a hangover. Don’t forget to drink enough water, especially when it’s hot, when you’re exerting yourself or drinking alcohol. Temporarily boosting your immune system with vitamin supplements is also not a bad idea.
Pack smart
First and foremost, bring the essentials, like your documents, important phone numbers, painkillers, medications, a reusable water bottle, a fully charged phone and maybe a power bank. Keep an eye on the weather forecast so you pack appropriate clothing, and remember: layering and bringing an extra set of clothes is always a smart move. In the Netherlands, the weather can shift from bright sun to heavy rain in no time, so it’s a good idea to bring sunscreen as well as a rain poncho and a waterproof bag or cover for your belongings.
Sleep like a king
Try to get enough sleep during the Intro week so you have plenty of energy to participate in all the fun activities the next day. If you’re staying at the campus campsite, in a hostel or a crowded student house, good noise-canceling earplugs can make a world of difference!
Listen to your body
We understand that FOMO can be strong during the Intro. Still, it’s important to listen to your body. If you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed by all the new people and impressions, it’s perfectly fine if you want to find a quiet spot and take a break. Take some time for yourself when you need it and read a book, listen to music or take a short walk. Once you’ve had a chance to rest, you’ll probably be eager to dive right back in! Intro attendees who prefer a more relaxed pace can opt for the new “Tranquilo Track”: a program comprising a variety of relaxing activities such as board game nights and art workshops.
Be open
The Intro is a great opportunity for socializing, so be sure to smile and be friendly to everyone, introduce yourself and ask questions to start conversations. Participating in as many activities as possible will help you meet and get to know new people. It may be tempting to stay in your safe bubble with the people you already know or who are from the same country, but try to be open and curious and connect with people from other cultures as well. And above all, just be yourself; that way, you stand the best chance of finding people you really click with and who can become true friends.
Stay in touch
Follow your new friends on social media and try to stay in touch. This can strengthen your social network and help you feel more at home at the university and in your new city. Don’t wait for others to reach out – take the initiative and organize a fun activity yourself!
Document your experience
Take lots of pictures and keep a journal to record your memories. It will be fun to look back on later! Do you have a special photo or interesting anecdote? Maybe you made a great new friendship, met a special someone or experienced something funny during the Intro? Be sure to share your photo and story with Cursor! You can contact us on Instagram or email us at cursor@.
Bike around the city
A bike will come in handy during the Intro – it’s the easiest and cheapest way to get around in Eindhoven. Plus, it allows you to explore your new student city more quickly! For example, take a bike tour along Eindhoven’s main eyecatchers. Don’t own a bike yet? Try to find one on Marktplaats or rent one through Swapfiets.
Safety first
Of course we hope the Intro week will be the perfect kick-off to your studies at TU/e and make for an unforgettable experience in the best possible way. But let’s face it, during a week in which a large number of young people are having fun and partying together, sometimes things can get out of hand. If you witness a situation that feels unsafe or experience something unpleasant yourself, please report it. Your Intro parents are your first point of contact and the people you can confide in directly. Incidents can also be reported through the Integrity and Social Safety Desk. This desk will bring you into contact with a confidential counsellor who can offer you the necessary help and support.
Stay up to date
Of course, Cursor will be closely following and documenting the Intro week through articles and photo reports, so keep an eye on the Instagram page to stay up to date. On the website you will also find many informative articles to help you quickly find your way around TU/e. Would you like to stay updated on the most important TU/e news, even after the Intro? Visit, scroll down and subscribe to the Cursor newsletter!
Have fun!
And last but not least: keep in mind that the Intro week is your chance to let loose and have fun before you start your studies. So don’t worry too much about making a good impression or getting enough information; you’ll get to that later. The most important thing is to have a great time, so try to have lots of fun!